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I have a FT team on Fridays (OSR), but looking to pick up some extra games to fill out my Friday nights.
Decent keeper, been playing FT keep for a few years.
Nate - 613.406.5812 (TEXT preferred)
Hi my name is jose carepa
Im looking for a team to play soccer
Im 64 and played lots of soccer few years back
Now im looking to excercise a little .
Any team that need a player
Please let me know
Thank you
My current teams faulted, looking for games Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights.
I'm good with any division.
shoot me an email;
Hey everyone! We are looking for a keeper for our men's team. Our league starts Feb. 12th and will be Wednesday nights between 7-10pm at Louis Riel or Hornets Nest. We have a strong team that has played together for several years and will be playing in Div 2. If you are interested please reach out to me at 613-889-2934. Thanks, Taylor.
I'm decent at keeper but its not my true position
613 879 4264
Hi, I'm a Competitive keeper who used to play men's league, available to sub or eventually to play full time in the next Winter/Spring league. Please reach out if you need a keeper
ps: not interested in Co-ed.
Text me 343-558-8668
Hey all,
im just looking to get some extra matches in.
I'm comfortably playing in any Men's division, not interested in co-ed.
Reach out if you need me,
Open to playing in Coed or Mens leagues. Feel free to shoot me a text at 613-762-1403.
Hello everyone!
We are looking for a keeper for our WEDNESDAY CO-ED LEAGUE to complete our team.
Time: Between 6 pm - 11 pm
Locations: uOttawa, Lees Avenue or RA Centre
Games: 10 games (60 mins each)
Please DM me if you have any questions!
Phone number: 613-558-1768
I'm decent