
Reminder to all Louis Riel Teams - Access to fields and running track
23 September 2013 @ 3:34 PM by Joel Convery


Now that the dome is starting to fill up for fall/winter, not just with soccer players but with members of the athletics club, we'd like to remind all players to be considerate of the all the other users out there.

We have always had the information posted here on the website about how players should access the field whilst the tracks are in use.  Please get changed and warm up in the large area next to the entrance, DO NOT congregate on the sides of the track and please do not kick the ball about near the tracks, it's extremely disrespectful to the athletics club and to the dome staff.

Message From The Louis Riel Dome Staff

We would like to remind you that the track is now booked by the Ottawa Lions Track & Field Club from 5-8pm every night except for Friday. So please be careful crossing the track.

All access to the fields should be made from the right side (the side of the Physiotherapy clinic) and everyone should circulate on the black flooring at all times except when crossing to access the grass fields.

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