Weather Policies
All games will take place rain, snow or shine unless you receive a message from us to the contrary. In the event of a thunderstorm for outdoor games, we will update on a game by game basis via our Twitter Account (@OttawaFooty7s). In the event of unplayable weather, we will notify teams via email as early as possible. If a game is abandoned or stopped by the Referee due to weather, visibility, or unsafe or unplayable field conditions before the completion of first half of the normal playing time, the game shall be considered incomplete. Games cancelled or stopped in the second half of normal playing time will be considered complete. We actively try to avoid abandoning games but unfortunately due to game time, field availability and other restrictions, that may not always be possible.
Reschedule Policy
In the event that a game is cancelled as a result of extenuating circumstances, the league will reschedule the match as a doubleheader or to an alternate day/night depending on field availability. If either team is unable to play on the rescheduled date, the league will provide one alternative option. In the event that both teams are unable to agree on one of the dates provided by the league, the game will be marked as a mutual forfeit. If one team agrees on at least one of the reschedule dates provided by the league, and the opposing team does not. The team who is unable to play on the date(s) provided by the league will forfeit the result. Please be advised that requests to move a rescheduled fixture must be submitted to the league within 72hrs of the original reschedule posting.
Refund / Cancellation Policy (Teams)
For team registration cancelations prior to the start of the league, the team deposit (non-refundable) of $500 is forfeited. For teams that cancel after the start of the season, the full balance is owed and forfeited (the full team balance is due before your first game). To request a refund / cancellation please contact the admin team via email at
Refund / Cancellation Policy (Individuals)
For players that register as an individual directly with the league, a $30 administration fee is applied to all refunds. Refunds must be requested no later than one week prior to the first game of the season. Refunds will not be offered once the league is underway. We will not entertain any requests for players who have paid monies directly to a team. To request a refund / cancellation please contact the admin team via email at
Team Roster Policy
We require that all players are listed on the roster and have accepted the waiver before they take part in any game. Any team that does not have enough players listed to field a team may be forced to forfeit the game, and any players not listed may be prevented from playing in the game. We will not enter into any correspondence or issue any refunds to teams or players prevented from taking part in games after failing to adhere to these policies.
Captain's Instructions for adding players to their roster:
- Login to the website, and go to the players list for your team. From there you should see the option to add players, please enter each of your players’ names and e-mails so that they can accept the waiver and be added to the team.
- If is the responsibility of the Team Captain to ensure that all players either on the roster or substitutes are informed and adhere to these policies.
- Ottawa Footy Sevens reserve the right to refuse entry to the league to any team or individual.
Team Roster Policy (Playoffs)
Only players that are listed on the team roster on or before the last regular game of the season will be allowed to participate in playoff games. Effectively, ringers are not allowed. Teams fielding ineligible players will forfeit the game.
Forfeit Policy
While we appreciate that on occasion it may be difficult to field a squad for a given game, we would appreciate it if teams could show some common courtesy to their opponents if they aren't going to turn up for a given game. Simply not turning up to a game without some form of notice is unacceptable. If you have exhausted all avenues to be able to field team, we suggest the following procedure:
- Make an attempt to contact your opposing team captain. This can be done in the "My Team --> Contact Other Captains" feature of the website.
- Drop an email to the league via stating that your team cannot make it.
- Consider contacting the captains of the teams that play immediately before and after your games to see if they would be willing to play a second game so that your opponent has the option to still play a game. If possible keep your opponent and the league admin in the loop on these emails.
Always try to give your opponent and the league as much advance notice of a forfeit as possible, this gives them/us more time to find a replacement team. Any team that forfeits a game automatically receives a 3-0 scoreline against them. Teams that consistently forfeit games may be removed the league or have other sanctions placed against them.
Inclusion Policy
Ottawa Footy Sevens aims to provide all participants with a safe and inclusive environment. Participants are expected to treat everyone with courtesy and respect within the context of their sport, regardless of gender, place or origin, colour or ethnicity, religion, political belief, economic status or ability. This requirement prohibits any form of harassment or discrimination. Failure to abide by this policy will result in removal from our leagues/programs.